Hosting & Producing


Edmonton City as Museum Project (ECAMP) Podcast (2021)

ECAMP’s mission is to reveal the stories of the people, places, and moments that make Edmonton the city it is today. Season 2 of the ECAMP podcast explores historical narratives that have been traditionally excluded from Edmonton’s story, including stories about land, immigration, and LGBTQ+ experiences.

Sample Episode:

RVF - On pourrait dire la fluidité des genres (2016-2017)

This 28-minute documentary explores gender expression in the Francophone LGBTQ community, with a special focus on how French, as an inherently gendered language, can accommodate the need for gender-neutral pronouns for individuals who are trans or non-binary. It was broadcasted by various campus radio stations across Canada as part of Rendez-vous de la francophonie.

Full Documentary:


Shout for Libraries (2017)

Shout for Libraries is a monthly show about the topics affecting libraries around the world on CJSR-FM. Each month, student librarians from the University of Alberta take an in-depth look at the serious issues that matter to librarians, like censorship, diversity, and… romance novels.

Sample episode:


Future Librarians for Intellectual Freedom (2016)

The 5-episode pilot project that launched Shout for Libraries, which aired on CJSR-FM.

Sample episode:


Adamant Eve (2014 - 2019)

Edmonton’s only feminist news program on CJSR-FM.

Sample episode:

