

My debut poetry chapbook, Perpetual Prayer, was published by The Polyglot and launched on December 1, 2023. I designed and illustrated the chapbook as well.

My poem “Tesserae / Silt” (alongside a series of collages) was featured in the 10th issue of The Polyglot. I designed the front and back covers of this magazine issue as well.

Voices From The FOLD: A Festival Magazine (2022). The FOLD.

My poem Dil Soji was published in the 2022 Festival of Literary Diversity (FOLD) Program.

SAAG Writing Prize Reader (2019). The SAAG.

My poem “السلام The Peace” was the first-prize winner of the 2019 SAAG Writing Prize.

People, Places, Passages (2018). Longbridge Books.

Three of my poems featured in this anthology of Italian-Canadian writers.

The Polyglot, Issue 3 (2018).

My poem “Hasbunallah” was featured in the third issue of The Polyglot.

Glass Buffalo, Vol. 5 No. 3 (2016).

My poem “Tiger’s Eye” was the first-prize winner of the 2016 Glass Buffalo English Poetry Prize.

The Poetry Route (2016)

My poem “The Russian Tea Room” was selected for the Poetry Route in 2016, an initiative of the Edmonton Poetry Festival to place poetry on transit vehicles.

Glass Buffalo, Vol. 4, No. 3 (2015)

My poem “Augury” achieved third place in the 2015 Glass Buffalo Poetry Prize competition.

